
Hook that implements saturation, i.e. any arithmetic operation that would overflow leaves the result at its extreme value (min or max depending on the direction of the overflow).

Saturation is not sticky; if a value reaches its saturation value, another operation may take it back to normal range.


Static functions

T onLowerBound(Rhs rhs, T bound)

Implements saturation for operators +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^^=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=, and >>>=. This hook is called if the result of the binary operation does not fit in Lhs without loss of information or a change in sign.

typeof(Lhs() + Rhs()) onOverflow(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs)

Implements saturation for operators +, - (unary and binary), *, /, %, ^^, &, |, ^, <<, >>, and >>>.

typeof(~Lhs()) onOverflow(Lhs lhs)

Implements saturation for operators +, - (unary and binary), *, /, %, ^^, &, |, ^, <<, >>, and >>>.

T onUpperBound(Rhs rhs, T bound)

Implements saturation for operators +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^^=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=, and >>>=. This hook is called if the result of the binary operation does not fit in Lhs without loss of information or a change in sign.


1 auto x = checked!Saturate(int.max);
2 ++x;
3 assert(x == int.max);
4 --x;
5 assert(x == int.max - 1);
6 x = int.min;
7 assert(-x == int.max);
8 x -= 42;
9 assert(x == int.min);
10 assert(x * -2 == int.max);
